Thursday, June 2, 2011

5 Useful Things to Know: BioShock Infinite

BioShock has crawled out from under the water and is taking to the skies. You want to know five important things about it? Of course you do! Read on...

5 Useful Things to Know: BioShock Infinite

1. Don’t pack your swimming trunks: We’ve left the underwater hell of Rapture behind, and we’re heading to a floating city called Colombia. Bioshock: Infinite isn’t a sequel, but it’s got the same gameplay, the same crazy politics and the same superpowers that require you to quickly pop your DNA in a blender.

2. Everyone wants to kill you: Just like dem goddamn sploicers when you were fighting your way through Rapture, almost anyone you meet is going to try and kill you at some point. Maybe you’re wearing an offensive t-shirt, or a funny hat, or something.

3. Let’s get Vigorous: The Plasmids of the last game are replaced with Vigours that essentially do the same thing under an old-timey name. A lot of the previous powers are there – lightning and telekinesis, for example – but there’s some new ones, too. Like Murder of Crows, which summons a flock of crows to peck out your enemies’ eyes.

4. You’re not alone: Your mission – and you have a mission this time, rather than wandering around aimlessly – is to rescue a young lady called Elizabeth from the clutches of a massive robotic avian thing called Songbird. She’s worth the fuss, once you free her – she can summon rainstorms for you to electrify, or magnetise surrounding metal to make a giant projectile.

5. Daddy’s not at home: No Big Daddies this time – they’ve been replaced with The Handymen. The Handymen, you’ll be pleased to hear, are giant robotic freaks with the hearts and heads of men that tirelessly hunt you through to shattered city. Oh, good.

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